Psychotherapy For The Gifted
Jerald Grobman M.D.
Madelon Sann L.C.S.W.

All sessions are on Zoom, join easily from any location.

Life as a Gifted Adult

Life as a Gifted Adult


At any point in their development, gifted adults may abandon the pursuit of their full potential. Young gifted adults may choose a conventional career path that feels safe and predictable. Other adults believe the next steps that will bring them closer to their full potential are too risky. When boredom and depression emerge, many gifted adults wonder why their excitement, curiosity, and passion have disappeared. 

Learn here how to reconnect with your giftedness and get back on track. 

“By most measures I have been extremely successful, but I know there is more in there, something is blocking me, but I don’t know what it is. I am next in line to be the CEO, I am ambitious, very competitive, but something is holding me back from the “rough and tumble” world of the board room. Do you think that´s why I am depressed?”

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Gifted Adults

Existential depression is the most common type of depression in gifted adults. Onset often occurs in young adulthood.

Contact Us

7pm - 9pm EST

Jerald Grobman M.D.

Madelon Sann L.C.S.W.​

We offer our sessions through Zoom’s virtual platform, providing flexibility to participate from any location.