Psychotherapy For The Gifted
Jerald Grobman M.D.
Madelon Sann L.C.S.W.

All sessions are on Zoom, join easily from any location.

Library Therapy for Gifted Children & Adolescents

Therapy for Gifted Children & Adolescents

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Gifted Adolescents

Why do Adolescents Come to Us? Existential Depression, underachievement, social isolation, learning disabilities (reading disability: dyslexia, writing disability: dysgraphia, math disability: acalculia), homework refusal,
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Parent Guidance  

Crisis Management   Before parents can be helped to manage the crisis, its origins need to be determined. Serious academic problems, anxiety, depression, physical symptoms,
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The Assessment Process

The assessment begins by meeting with the parents. They are the “experts” on who the child really is. This includes knowledge of their child’s
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Contact Us

7pm - 9pm EST

Jerald Grobman M.D.

Madelon Sann L.C.S.W.​

We offer our sessions through Zoom’s virtual platform, providing flexibility to participate from any location.