Empowering Gifted Minds to Thrive in
Growth. Fulfillment. Happiness. Purpose.

All sessions are on Zoom, join from any location.

Therapy & Guidance for Gifted & Talented Individuals

Our process is a collaborative and interactive one that is specific to your needs and personality. We can help you identify your particular type of giftedness, accept it, believe in it and find ways to use and enjoy it. Often the key to succeeding in this - regardless of circumstances, issues and conflicts - is an in-depth exploration of your emotional, moral/ethical, and philosophical experience of being gifted.

Our team has proudly worked with patients in England, Ireland, Denmark, Spain, France, and Germany.

  • From temper tantrums to school refusal, gifted children are a worry for parents and educators.  Fiercely independent, reading at 3, rejecting hugs and kisses. Gifted kids can be a real handful. 

    Learn how to savor the joys and manage the problems. 

    Separate these disturbing symptoms and behaviors from normal growth and development and address the deeper layers of a gifted child’s feelings about his/ her giftedness. 

  • As they get older, many gifted adults gradually abandon the pursuit of their full potential. Establishing a solid successful conventional career and lifestyle seems easier and safer. However, when boredom and unhappiness emerge, they wonder how and why the passion and excitement of their youth disappeared.

    Learn here how to reclaim the central part of your personality – your giftedness.

  • Gifted individuals of all ages can experience feelings of alienation, disillusionment, detachment, isolation, and meaninglessness. These symptoms of existential distress can develop into an Existential Depression. 

    Learn here how and why this happens and how to recognize and treat Existential Depression. 

“Their most troublesome conflicts and anxieties arose not from fears of ostracism, fears of failure, or lost opportunities, but from fear that giftedness had distorted and twisted them as human beings.

jerald grobman

Get To Know Us

We have more than 40 years of therapeutic experience working with gifted individuals of all ages, at all levels of giftedness (gifted, exceptionally gifted, and profoundly gifted), in all types of circumstances, with all types of problems. 


Experience the unique traits that define your giftedness and learn how to harness them. If you've ever felt disconnected, overwhelmed, or misunderstood, we can help you understand and embrace your extraordinary abilities.