Personality Characteristics of Gifted Children, Gifted Adolescents and Gifted Adults

  • An intense drive to explore, understand and master the environment. This drive can feel like a powerful physiological force that is difficult to describe and hard to control or direct.

  • Intense motivation to explore “big” ideas and “big problems” in detail and in depth.

  • A capacity for learning that is immediate and effortless:

    • Their unusual capacity to combine razor sharp logical and uncanny intuition makes them bored and inpatient with conventional teaching and standard educational settings.

  • A capacity for precocious accomplishments in many domains – intellectual, artistic, athletic, musical.

  • Extra sensitivities:

    • Physical sensitivities: light, temperature, sound, food, fabric

    • Intense allergic responses.

  • Aesthetic sensitivities: color, rhythm, form, space – a sophisticated sense of beauty well in advance of their years.

  • A capacity to “tune into” inanimate objects – a special fascination and capacity to bond with the physical environment.

  • Emotional sensitivies

    • Empathy for other people’s pain and suffering.

    • Emotional insight into others personality structure, intellect and conflicts.

The FETCH Agency

Your business can have it all when you have a team that can do it all. We eliminate the need to look around for every service hoping for the right fit within your marketing strategy. We focus on website development, branding, copy writing, social media, and more.

The Role of Psychotherapy


Common Conflicts of Gifted Children, Gifted Adolescents and Gifted Adults