How Do We Help You
Therapy For Gifted Individuals
Why Trust Us?
After more than 40 years of therapeutic experience with gifted individuals of all ages,
We “get it”…
How hard it is to admit you’re gifted.
How hard it is to try to fulfill your potential and still have friends.
How hard it is to feel exhilarated, ambitious, anxious, & depressed simultaneously.
What are our treatment options?
Explore the practical the emotional the psychological.
We help you develop skills and strategies that use your current strengths to move forward now.
We help you identify and explore the feelings, attitudes and beliefs that are holding you back.
We help you develop coping strategies:
That reframe the problem in a more positive light.
That identify informative resources to help understand your problem.
That will target key people to reach out to for advice and help.
We can help you dig into the deeper psychological processes that are blocking you from moving forward.
Guilt and Shame about all aspects of being gifted are often the culprits.
Frequently these are too difficult to think about or even experience.
Our psychodynamic method can help you access these unconscious emotions and thoughts so we can explore them and help you move forward.
Choosing an assessment process can be confusing.
We can help you decide what kind of assessment you need.
The Therapeutic Alliance
Developing a therapeutic alliance with a gifted individual may be difficult. Feeling relieved once their crisis has been resolved may stimulate them to end therapy prematurely. This almost always ensures a return of symptoms. Gifted individuals may also abbreviate psychotherapy because they believe that therapists do not “get” giftedness. As part of crisis intervention, addressing their inner experience of giftedness can convey that psychotherapy has more to offer than symptom relief.
Early Stage
In this stage of psychotherapy we frequently act as psychologically informed mentors, coaches and advisors. The first task is to help establish more effective strategies for managing the real world. Once this is accomplished we help gifted individuals establish or reconnect with a vision for their giftedness. Addressing embarrassment and guilt about being exceptional helps a unified and coherent vision to emerge. We help validate, clarify and explore this vision. Suggestions are made for finding the appropriate venues for full expression of their gifted potential.
Middle Stage
In this stage our patients come to understand
That efforts to avoid conflict about being gifted by disavowing it through underachievement and self-destructive behavior are the leading causes of depression, anxiety and other psychological symptoms.
The basic concepts of psychodynamic psychology
The universal nature of psychological conflict
That psychological conflict is not a sign of mental weakness or mental illness
The differences between conscious and unconscious conflict
The origins and long-term effects of unresolved early normal and gifted developmental conflicts and how they intersect with each other.
The value of tolerating, examining and exploring conflict and anxiety instead of acting impulsively to avoid or deny them.
Healthier ways of resolving psychological conflicts
Late Stage
In this stage, more complex aspects of psychodynamic psychology are introduced and explained.
The ubiquitous nature of transference in all relationships
The nature of psychological resistance to change.
The nature of adaptive and maladaptive psychological defense mechanisms
The working through process
Conflicts within the “inner experience” of giftedness are explained and examined.
The extra cognitive aspects of gifted endowment are explained and examined.
Facilitating the synergy of intuition, imagination, clairvoyance, curiosity, aesthetic, and physical sensitivities, helps creative work become more productive.
Obsessionalism, procrastination, oppositionalism, and impatience are explored in more depth.
Warning how to handle phases of creativity that are explosive is just as important as learning how to handle phases of creativity that seem stagnant.
Psychotherapy becomes a model for collaboration in all relationships.