Madelon Sann, LCSW
Madelon Sann is a graduate of the Columbia University School of Social Work. She is a licensed clinical social worker, a certified supervisor of the psychotherapeutic process and a certified group psychoanalyst.
For the past forty years she has specialized in the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy of gifted children and adults. She began her career as a child therapist at the Jewish Board of Guardians (currently JBFCS) where she was a senior caseworker, a group therapy coordinator and an assistant director of the Montague School for Girls. She then became the Chief Social Worker at The Center for Marital and Family Therapy. Her work with children includes extensive experience in parent guidance, school consultations and training in giftedness.
For a number of years she wrote a parent guidance column in the monthly magazine of a local public school for gifted children. She has conducted workshops on ”Underachievement: The Hottest Topic for Parents of the Gifted” (AGATE)”, A new Twist on Twice Exceptional” (NEGCT-SENG), “Treating the Gifted Child in Psychotherapy’ (SENG) and co-led a full-day conference with Dr. Jerald Grobman on “Learning Disabilities and the Learning Disability Syndrome” (SENG) available on You-Tube.
Throughout her many years treating children, she has worked in collaboration with psychologists, learning specialists, occupational therapists and speech and hearing therapists to provide her patients with comprehensive care. She has also had special training in the diagnosis and treatment of children on the PDD-autism spectrum.
Currently she is an adjunct faculty member of IPTAR (Institute for Psychoanalysis, Training and Research). Her past teaching experiences include leading a continuous case seminar in the “Treatment of Children” at the Post Graduate Center for Mental Health, Child and Adolescent Program,” Group Therapy’ at the Metropolitan Center for Mental Health, courses in the graduate Social Work Department at NYU, in “The Treatment of Children” and in “Group Work.” She was a field supervisor for the Hunter College School of Social Work, an instructor in the training institute of the American Group Psychotherapy Association and led “Psychodynamic Process Groups”, “The Transference Process in Group Psychotherapy” and “Separation-Termination in Group Psychotherapy “.