Our Diagnostic, Assessment and Therapeutic Approach

Our assessments have two components: the cognitive behavioral component and the psychodynamic component.

The Cognitive Behavioral Component

  • Identifies the conscious cognitive aspect of problems such as:

    • Underachievement

    • Self destructive behavior

    • Procrastination

    • Perfectionism.

  • Misperceptions and negative thinking associated with these problems are reality tested. Distortions in thinking are systematically corrected.

  • Specific actions and behaviors are established to address the problems.

  • The emotional component is assumed to be only a reaction to the problem-never a primary cause.

The Psychodynamic Component

  • Identifying the context in which the problem arose: a careful personal history establishes a past and current context.

    • This dimension has been virtually eliminated by psycho educational and neuropsychological assessments.

    • Consequently these types of assessments are done outside the context of a person’s life and consider emotional factors as always secondary.

  • Contextual factors themselves do not cause symptoms or problems but emotional reactions to them may.

  • Contextual factors include:

    • Life circumstances

    • Early educational experiences

    • Trauma

    • Family dynamics

    • Peer relationships.

  • Emotional reactions to these and other contextual factors often persist in the form of unresolved emotional conflicts such as:

    • The “inner experience” of having a superior endowment.

    • The way family, peers and teachers have reacted to giftedness.

  • These can often be summarized as a central dynamic conflict.

  • A psychodynamic formulation has three functions:

    • It describes how the central emotional conflict became detracted from its original context ( i.e.giftedness and it’s development) and was then displaced and expressed as dysfunctional behavior, a cognitive dysfunction or a physical problem.

    • It is a method for distinguishing between:
            Emotional reactions to a problem
            Emotional causes or the problem

    • The formulation focuses the therapeutic process toward resolution of the central conflict about giftedness and a restoration of full gifted potential.

The FETCH Agency

Your business can have it all when you have a team that can do it all. We eliminate the need to look around for every service hoping for the right fit within your marketing strategy. We focus on website development, branding, copy writing, social media, and more.


Gifted Adults


Therapeutic Tasks in Crisis Management