Jerald Grobman, MD

Jerald Grobman, MD is a graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine, a board-certified psychiatrist, and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatry Association.

For the past 40 years, he has been in private practice specializing in the assessment and psychotherapy of gifted adolescents and adults. His website his publications: Underachievement in Exceptionally Gifted Adolescents and Young Adults: A psychiatrist’s view published in the Journal of Secondary Gifted Education vol.17 # 4 summer 2006, pp.199-210 and A Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Approach to the Emotional Problems of Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Adolescents and Adults: A Psychiatrist’s Experience published in the Journal for the Education of the Gifted vol. 33, #1, 2009 pp.106-125, his joint video presentation with Madelon Sann, LCSW on the gifted learning disability syndrome his webinar, understanding and treating anxiety, depression, Bipolar disorder and underachievement in gifted children, adolescents, and young adults ( SENG October, 2009 ) and his Davidson Institute seminar : Tips for Parents: the inner experience of gifted children, adolescents and young adults ( ) have become important resources for the national and international gifted community. 

At SENG conferences, Dr. Grobman has led workshops on such topics as underachievement, common problems of gifted individuals and how to treat them, the inner experience of gifted individuals, the moral/ethical dilemmas of the gifted, a comparison of counseling and therapy techniques for gifted individuals and an advanced SENG institute course (2008) on underachievement. At SENG conferences he has also conducted several continuing education courses for therapists looking for advanced training in the assessment and therapy of gifted individuals. 

Dr. Grobman has presented at the Wallace Symposium, the NAGC conference, the AEGUS conference, the AGATE conference, the NECGT conference, and the Nassau Community College.

Dr. Grobman received the SENG service award in 2013.

For many years, Dr. Grobman was a member of the adjunct staff of the Lenox Hospital Department of Psychiatry where he was the senior supervisor in the psychology internship training program.

For a number of years, he was the psychiatric consultant to the Lenox Hill Hospital open heart surgical team 

From 1975-1980 Dr. Grobman was an Associate Clinical Professor in the Tufts University School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry. While there he was the Director of Group Psychotherapy Training, published several articles on group psychotherapy, and was an instructor at the American Group Psychotherapy Association’s national training institute. 

Dr. Grobman is a lifetime member of the American Psychiatric Association. 

Psychotherapy and giftedness

A Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Approach to the Emotional Problems of Exceptionally and Profoundly Gifted Adolescents and Adults: A Psychiatrist’s Experience

An eclectic form of psychodynamic psychotherapy is presented to address the emotional problems of exceptionally and profoundly gifted adolescents and adults. The approach includes cognitive/behavioral techniques as well as psychologically informed mentoring, coaching, and advising.

Underachievement in Exceptionally Gifted Adolescents and Young Adults: A Psychiatrist’s View

A group of exceptionally gifted adolescents between the ages of 14 and 25 were each treated in individual psychotherapy over the course of a number of years. They were referred for symptoms of anxiety, depression, self-destructive behavior, and under achievement.

Sage encyclopedia: Psychotherapy chapter

Psychotherapy is a term originally meant to describe a method, closely related to psychoanalysis, for the treatment of patients with various forms of psychological illness.


Achieving Cohesiveness in Therapy Groups of Chronically Disturbed Patients

During the past ten years, three factors have led to the treatment of more and more chronically psychotic, schizoid, severe borderline, and otherwise marginally functional people in community settings.

The Borderline Patient in Group Psychotherapy: A Case Report

Therapist who have attempted to tret borderline patients in individual psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy have found that many of these patients cannot tolerate the intimacy, intensity, and primitive nature of the transference in the one-to-ine setting.

On the Stresses of Community Psychiatry, and Helping residents to Survive Them.

The authors underscore the major themes that challenge the resident who moves into community work from his initial experience as an individual therapist. The resident must be able to change, especially in terms of his own role expectations.

Specialized Psychiatric Services to the Cardiac Surgery Service

Patients undergoing cardiac surgery have always had an unusually high incidence of psychological difficulties. Most attention in this area has focused on the incidence, etiology, and management of postcardiotomy delirium and/or psychosis.